That hansome devil below is my newly born nephew. The ulgy barstard holding him is me.
I'm starting this blog to describe my adventures in beijing when i will be pretending to be a teacher, and hoping that no one finds out that i don't know the first thing about language teaching, never mind having a limited grasp on the my own language.
But any way, this is the introduction to myself.
I'm 27 working as a desk monkey moving paper around all day long, and sending bored emails all day, around 6500000 on average each day, in a job which cant really take me anywhere, even if the pay is stupidly high for the role. So finally i decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and do something which i've been talking about and thinking of the past four years.
So i am moving to Beijing to find fortune and glory, well there will come eventually but in the meantime i shall teach people to speak english, yorkshire english of course.
Right now i have 4 days left in good ole sheffield and still havent got a solid offer of work in Beijing, but silly details like that have never been enough to stop me. At least i have somewhere to stay and contact who knows the city well.
I'm going to miss this city and people here, so i'll be staying in touch with the medium of dance, or the net which ever.
In your face!
This is the brief introduction to my current situation and an indication of what is to come in the wonderful world of dugal.
Expect regular accounts of Dugal.
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